


U Mad? • Captain Galeforce: HENRYYYYYY!!! • General Hubert Galeforce previously ranked as Captain Hubert Galeforce is the tetartagonist of the Henry Stickmin series and an army officer in the Government, who was in charge of the undercover Toppat Clan raid. It was his idea to recruit Henry Stickmin, for better or worse. After a successful raid on the Airship, he is promoted to general. • The Dummies are two decoys of Henry Stickmin and Reginald Copperbottom, the former Toppat Clan Leader. They are used by them to deceive Captain Galeforce and Charles Calvin in the Rapidly Promoted Executive ending of Infiltrating the Airship. • To distract Captain Galeforce and Charles, Henry throws the dummies down into the desert to make them believe that the duo actually jumped off. As Captain Galeforce and Charles land to investigate in the location they saw Henry and Reginald fall, they realize they were betrayed by Henry. Captain G is infuriated by this betrayal and then, Henry is seen being promoted to the Toppat Leader in the airship. • Henry Stickmin can try to take out Handsome Harold, who is sitting in the records library with his back turned to Henry. However, Henry's aim is way off and even though Harold is right in front of him, Henry only manages to hit the documents Harold was holding, instantly allerting Harold to the danger. • Infiltrating the Airship (stylized as Infiltrating the AIRSHIP in the title) is the fourth game in the Henry Stickmin series, created by PuffballsUnited. It is the sequel to Stealing the Diamond, and takes place before Fleeing the Complex, and is named as Episode 3 of the Henry Stickmin story. The game has four different endings and one fake ending. • Rapidly Promoted Executive is one of the four different endings to Infiltrating the Airship. • Its auxiliary ending is Relentless Bounty Hunter , sharing one single pathway up until the final choice scenario. • During the credits of the Rapidly Promoted Executive ending, click the Team Fortress 2 logo that appears on the computer screen. It's at the Music portion of the credits. • Source: • https://henrystickmin.fandom.com/wiki... • https://henrystickmin.fandom.com/wiki... • https://henrystickmin.fandom.com/wiki... • #HenryStickmin#Stickmin#HenryStickminCollection#Toppat#achievement


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