Girly Girl Silly Billy FNF but Sky and The Fan Girl sing it


One fan girl that was so obsessed with Yourself distorted and twisted her figure for him • She silly on my billy till I hit single • (I don’t own any of the songs/art/characters except the cover) • Art in video: • When you’re a Silly Billy:    • Hit Single Real: Silly Billy [Ft.@Iro...   • Sky 1: • Sky 2: • You should play Hit Single NOW: • • • • Unimportant stuff: • Friday Night Funkin' is an open-source rhythm game released on Newgrounds in 2020. The game is developed by a small group called The Funkin' Crew Inc., which consists of Cameron ninjamuffin99 Taylor, David PhantomArcade Brown, Isaac Kawai Sprite Garcia, and evilsk8r. The game shares some gameplay features with Dance Dance Revolution, PaRappa the Rapper, and the Dance Contest minigame from Club Penguin, and borrows aesthetic influences from Flash games. The game has been credited with driving users back to Newgrounds, a site whose popularity peaked in the early 2000s. • • Mod!Sky (Usually refered to as just Sky) is a 19-year-old woman and is main the antagonist of VS Sky by bbpanzu. She is a fangirl of Boyfriend and wants to take Boyfriend as her own girlfriend, despite the fact BF already has Girlfriend as a girlfriend. Her Week includes three songs: Wife Forever, Sky and Manifest. This mod has been through quite a lot due to misinterpretations of Mod!Sky and general confusion about how she worked in her early variations. • Eventually Mod!Sky turned out to be an inaccurate interpretation of the OG Sky's personality, as Sky actually hated BF and GF and specifically wanted to ruin their relationship. After Sky transferring owners constantly, this eventually ended up with the creation of the two main sky variations, Mod!Sky and O!Sky, who are canonically siblings. • Hit Single, also sometimes known as Hit Single Real is a mod directed by Churgney Gurgney/Sturm. It features Sturm's self-proclaimed Hit Singles . It contains several songs featuring several opponents with more to come in the future. • After beating Silly Billy, a platformer game called Garn47 is unlocked. More information about the game can be found here. • #fridaynightfunkin #fnf #skyverse #sillybilly #fridaynightfunkinmod #fridaynightfunkincovers #hitsingle


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