Meet the LiDAR Viewer
LiDAR Viewer (, is an out-of-core, multi-resolution, view-dependent interactive visualization and analysis software for massive (tens of billions of points) LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging, large-extent 3D laser scanning) data. LiDAR Viewer allows seamless visualization of data sets many times the size of the computer's main memory, and provides measurement and feature extraction / analysis tools to perform scientific or engineering field work in a virtual environment. • LiDAR Viewer is an immersive application aimed at high-end holographic displays like CAVEs, but it also works in low-cost VR environments ( or on normal desktop or laptop PCs, as shown in this video. • LiDAR Viewer is free software, released under the GNU General Public License, and runs on Unix-like operating systems such as Linux or Mac OS X. It is based on the Vrui VR development toolkit ( • This video visualizes a large-extent, high-resolution (~10 points/m^2) aerial LiDAR scan of the city of San Francisco and surrounding areas, sponsored by the USGS and San Francisco State University, towards goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ( The 30cm resolution color orthophotos mapped onto the raw LiDAR point cloud are from the HiRes Urban Imagery project and were downloaded through the Cal-Atlas geospatial clearinghouse (