picking my 2nd project amp finishing rereads A PREPTOBER VLOG

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=TYl6q1CNz2Q

EEEEK, where has October gone?? Less than ten days until NaNoWriMo starts and I. Am. Not. Ready! • It took a bit of spiraling trial and error to figure out what my streaming project should be, but I think I've figured that out finally! • ☟↓ QUESTIONS FOR YOU BELOOOOOW! ↓☟ • D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N S : • Do you keep physical track of your NaNoWriMo progress? (Maybe in a bullet journal or with stickers?) • Since I already changed my mind -- on rolling the dice to decide what to do -- let me know if you've ALSO changed your mind from your original prep plans. (As much as I loved the dice roll last year, as soon as I started streaming A Closet Full of Cauldrons, I knew that's what I needed/wanted most to work on!) • How do you plan on rewarding yourself for meeting/exceeding your daily or weekly goals? Or even a reward for participating and keeping going throughout the month, I'd love to know!! (I think my reward is going to be getting to start an entirely new story once I finish these two, lolol.) • F I N D M E O N L I N E : • ❀️ Instagram:   / katecavanaughwrites   • 🧑 Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webfor... • πŸ’› Twitch: twitch.tv/katecavanaughwrites • πŸ’š Patreon:   / katecavanaugh   • πŸ’™ Website: https://readwriteroam.blog • πŸ’œ Medium:   / katecavanaughwrites   • πŸŽ₯ E Q U I P M E N T U S E D W H A T I W R I T E W I T H : • *My bullet journal / writing travel notebook: https://amzn.to/2UkrF0r • *My main camera for vlogging and time-lapse: https://amzn.to/321RbtW • Scrivener for my word processing needs: https://www.literatureandlatte.com/sc... • *My rainbow pens : https://amzn.to/2ZAiWIw • *My tiny camera with a gimbal for on-the-go and motion-lapse: https://amzn.to/2ZtQzzF • Aeon Timeline to create visual timelines for my stories: https://www.aeontimeline.com/ • *these are affiliate links, where I receive a small commission that helps the channel! Feel free to ignore. :) • πŸ’Œ S N A I L M A I L M E : • PO Box 1022 • 607 E. Blanco Road • Boerne, TX 78006 • #authortube #nanowrimo #preptober


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