How to Make a CrepePaper Lantern Parents
Watch as Parents Magazine shows you a first birthday party idea for your baby -- a crepe paper lantern! To start this easy craft, cut strips of crepe paper in a variety of colors. For an eight-inch lantern, cut about seven strips of paper, ranging from 10 to 30 inches. Take a crepe paper strip and fold it about three or four times, then fringe it with scissors. Take an eight-inch paper lantern, and glue your strips, starting at the bottom. Glue each crepe paper strip about two inches above the one below it. Repeat these steps until you've completely covered the lantern. Get creative and make your own crepe paper lantern for your baby's first birthday party! • Subscribe to the Parents channel: • About Parents: We’re here to help moms and dads raise happy, healthy kids—and have A LOT of fun along the way. Parents features information about child health, safety, behavior, discipline and education. There are also stories on women's health, nutrition, pregnancy, marriage, and beauty. It is aimed primarily at women ages 18–35 with young children. • Follow us today to become the best parent you can be! • Official Parents Website: • Follow Parents on FACEBOOK: • Follow Parents on TWITTER: • Follow Parents on PINTEREST: • Follow Parents on INSTAGRAM: