Glenroy Foxtrot Sequence Dance Walkthrough


A walkthrough and timing of the Glenroy Foxtrot, a beautiful, classical arrangement of the slow foxtrot from 1976 (Tom Turner and Florence Smith). We have uploaded a separate video that shows it danced to music. • This is one of the more difficult slow foxtrot sequence arrangements, but one of the most enjoyable. It has a fluid, free-flowing start with many of the classic foxtrot figures, then moves into the second half with checks, hovers and a slip pivot to finish. There are plenty of heel turns to keep the ladies on their toes (literally!). • All the figures are inserted as captions on the video and we've tried to dance it as closely to script as possible. When teaching it, I found it easier to break it into 2 sections - partly because there is so much content to remember and partly because it is easy to run out of room! • I hope you try it as it's a beautiful arrangement. • Happy dancing!


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