Carver Skateboards Review C7 CX amp C5 Comparison


One of my first surfskates was by Carver Skateboards, so I wanted to share my thoughts on the differences between their trucks: C7, CX C5. • • Wheelbase Formula • 1. Measure your inseam in inches or cm. • 2. Divide the inseam length by 2. • 3. Add an inch (2.5 cm) to the number found in step 2. • To find the lower limit of your wheelbase range: subtract a half-inch (~1.5 cm) from the number found in step 3. To find the upper limit of your wheelbase range: add a half-inch (~1.5 cm) from the number found in step 3. • All credit goes to the reddit user “radioregime” • CONNECT • • Instagram:   / cncretewaves   • TikTok:   / cncretewaves   • Facebook:   / concretewave   • ABOUT CONCRETE WAVES • Our mission is to get more people into skateboarding and carry it as a lifelong passion. Skateboarding is more than just a wooden plank with four wheels. It's a way to connect with friends, leave behind the daily grind and express who you are. No matter what style you choose, it's all valid. The ride is the reward. • #shredshack #carverskateboards #surfskates #concretewaves


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