CJD rewritten part 13 sample guide

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This is my first sample guide i've made so feel free to give me feedback. there may be some inaccurate info i tried to get some accurate ones from my stuff. how i got most of the info    • CJD sides A - E sped up to match thei...   • Side A: Working memory no longer gets consolidated into long-term memory as easily. Fond memories from long ago compensate for trouble processing the present. The world seems to be ending with a whimper, but memories made along the way make this life worth living. • 00:00 - A1 - A sad song to remember the days gone by • 03:12 - A2 - Summer breeze warms my aching heart • 05:47 - A3 - What if I felt alive again • 06:12 - A4 - Missing the time we​’​ve spent • 09:13 - A5 - Looking back to when things were easy • 11:37 - A6 - The glory days gone to the past • 14:48 - A7 - Grains of hope • • Side B: You can't shake the feeling that you're mistaken. You used to only twitch while angry, but now you twitch no matter what. If your hands weren't being pricked with tiny pins, you'd just stay in bed all day. You can't feel happy, and you can't feel your fingers; the only thing you feel is somber, mistrustful fear. • 18:46 - B1 - Our whole lives • 22:33 - B2 - Misfortunate soul • 25:46 - B3 - Shaky hands • 29:46 - B4 - Agitated confusions • 32:33 - B5 - Helpless denial • 34:28 - B6 - Doubtful confidence • 37:02 - B7 - Downward spiral • • month two: • Side C: You can't speak your mind. At first it was because you didn't trust them; now the words just come out wrong. The enemy came out of hiding and now patrols your neighborhood. You're being stalked by masters of stealth noticed only by yourself. Can't remember where they're from, but you're sure you've fought them before. You remember your entire life that way. As far as you know, you always have. • 40:03 - C1 - In the corner of my eye • 42:15 - C2 - The sands of time are going by too fast • 44:40 - C3 - Jumbled Syllables • 47:51 - C4 - A helpless song • 49:55 - C5 - Grains of delay • 52:13 - C6 - My whole reality • 54:57 - C7 - Misfortunate hope • • Side D: You're being tripped and shocked and they won't leave you alone. You've surrendered, retreating to a select few rooms you feel safe in. You don't sleep. You don't know anyone. You only remember those times you saw them do something, and you can't hold onto those moments like you used to. You can't hold onto anything anymore. • 57:30 - D1 - Hands flowing easy • 1:01:13 - D2 - All faces melt away • 1:04:26 - D3 - A hopeless spiral • 1:07:15 - D4 - Sleepless nightmares • 1:11:23 - D5 - Grieving for myself • 1:13:30 - D6 - Fractured reflections • 1:16:15 - D7 - True rejoice • • Month three: • Side E: You did something with someone and it was good. Things were good. This is all you can think about, and you're thinking yourself in circles. You used to walk in circles, back when it wasn't so dangerous. Now you're thinking in circles. You're in a rut that's about to give way to the gates of hell. • 1:18:25 - E1 - Felt gather rejoice • 1:19:09 - E2 - Sands soul time • 1:21:17 - E3 - Agitated time missing • 1:23:42 - E4 - Summer hands burn • 1:25:46 - E5 - Helpless hope • 1:28:10 - E6 - I hope it's all a horrible nightmare • 1:31:33 - E7 - Last complete memories • • Side F: With the way you carry yourself, most people would think you don't have the slightest idea who you are. You do have the slightest idea. That's all you have. Loyalty and camaraderie define the very best moments of your life, and underpin the worst. Your mind hopelessly wanders between the two, trying to understand the present through the cracked lens of an incomplete past. • 1:35:15 - F1 - Half thought • 1:38:12 - F2 - Holes ripping reality • 1:41:40 - F3 - Corroding memories • 1:45:19 - F4 - Simple time • 1:48:16 - F5 - Vision's blurring • 1:51:23 - F6 - Circle trigon new • 1:55:54- F7 - Into darkness • Special thanks to ​⁠walletinspector for helping me with the descriptions and some track names • Credit to melanitta perspicillata for the side D cover • Credit to zdraven for f7 name • Credit to Matthew Eder ​⁠for the Original CJD. •    • Matthew Eder - CJD (Full Album)   • https://mattheweder.bandcamp.com/albu...


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