PS3 Fake Controller Bluetooth FIX ScpToolkit
IMPORTANT: • If your controller still doesn't work and it: works for a few seconds and disconnects, connects and disconnects all the time, has delay or simply doesn't work at all... I don't know how you can fix it. Possible solutions would be: • 1. Uninstalling whole ScpToolkit manualy and installing it again (you MUST manualy remove scptoolkit files since just by uninstalling the program it won't remove all the files, so search for the full uninstallation guide on the browser.) • 2. Updating Windows • 3. Disabling secure boot in bios if it's enabled - but be aware that some games with anticheat system won't work anymore. • This software was made by one person, and obviously its not reliable for every kind of ps3 controller or bluetooth device you have. Just like this video isn't a fix for all your fake duel shok 3 joysticks out there. The problems occur and will continue to occur since the developer isn't working on ScpToolkit anymore, LAST UPDATE WAS IN 2016. Some of the fake controllers you have were made after 2016 and are completely unknown to the program, and that's why some of you can't even find a fake controllers name. Best way to find a similar problem you have is to google it. If google doesn't offer you any solution, well, try to fix it yourself, and if you get lucky just like me, you can share with others your solution. Be aware that sometimes it isn't a softwares problem, so try changing your usb cabel, bluetooth adapter, maybe even a whole controller. There are really a lot of different kinds of errors that you can have, so I'm sorry if I can't give you a proper solution. • ScpControl.dll file: •