This video is dedicated to all of the men, women, children, as well as, their decendents...all the poplulation at that time wanted to do was live amongst their fellow human beings. They had been given their freedom from bondage through the Emancipation Proclamation...allowed to own and work the land through the Homestead Act only to once again be in the chains of intollerance and racisim by those who followed the ethos and ideology of men who thought African-Americans were and should have been never been given those rights in the first place. Those same peoples subscribed to hate and jealously, and therefore believed that a blatten LIE told by Frances Fanny Taylor at that time, was gospel. • Then in turn, decided that all the inhabitants, who had live quietly and peafully for a number of years, amongst white's, I might add...were hiding escaped convict Jesse Hunter, with no evidence to support this claim, whatsoever. Those men were acting on their own accord, and therefore, decided that the men, women and children of a quiet sleeply little town will pay, and some ultimately did, with their lives. • They were torn from all they once knew within a matter of days. Forced from their homes, all worldly possessions and their identity within a matter of days. • After many days of war, murder and arson...the town was no more. • Through the courageous efforts of John Wright, Sheriff Robert Elias Walker, as well as train conductors, John and William Bryce, many women and children were saved. • The official death toll of the massacre was 6 African-Americans and 2 White's. Many who were there feel those numbers are inaccurate and claim that there were almost 100 or more the end, The White newpapers called this a Riot , I call it murder. • And lastly, at the end of this film, I ask all of humanity to take a step back and look at your legacy right at this very moment....can you honestly leave this world knowing it was only your own? I believe the answere is NO to everyone reading this. We need to stop the hate, the violence in anyway that we can. All it takes is one single step....are you willing to take that step? I know I am. • We are all human beings, all equals and therefore all one. • I thank you all for watching this film, it truly was and honor to research the history of the people in Rosewood. I'm sorry that I could not include every single detail in regards to this tragedy. But just know, that those who were not mentioned, are never forgotten. • #RosewoodMassacre #MassacreatRosewood #Rosewood #MournedByAll • #Seizethemoment #CivilizationMeltdown #blacklivesmatter #neverforget #lestweforget #Florida #RosewoodRaceRiot #FloridaHeritageLandmark #history #RosewoodMassacreSurvivors #blackhistory • Thanks To Eion Mantell For Creating Such A Powerful Song....When I heard it I knew I had to use it in this video. • Here is a link to Eion's You Tube well as the song Civilization Meltdown •    • Civilization Meltdown   • I you are a creator you can find More Of Eion's Music just by clicking the link below. • If you love the music in this video, you can find it here- • Perjury https-:// • Civilization Meltdown - • Icicles -


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