Terraria 1307 Expert Plantera kill Enraged surface

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tj0Wk773DkM

Requested as enraged Plantera, with no gear specification. • There are a couple of things that I don't like about this video: First, I fought Plantera on the surface, wich is kind of a cop out since I can easily fly above her and her Hooks become useless. Second, I had equipped the Master Ninja Gear when I shouldn't, and its dash reachs noticeably further than the dash of the SoC. Because of this I redid this challenge, wich you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJbV3... • -------------------------------------- • BATTLE EXPLANATION • -------------------------------------- • THE BATTLEGROUND: • Since the fight takes place on the surface, a classic arena will be enough: some wooden platforms to fly around the boss. • Have some Campfires and Heart Lanterns near to benefit from their buffs. • STRATEGY: • Plantera gets double damage and speed while enraged, so you must avoid her attacks no matter what. • For her first form, fly in circles around her and dash to quickly recover your speed. She has a lot of momentum due to her increased speed and this will make her easier to dodge. • For her second form, you can stay above her since she can't use the Hooks to reach you. Flying in circles still works. Destroy the Tentacles to eliminate the risk of getting snapped by them. • EQUIPMENT: • Wings, boots, a dashing item and knockback immunity for mobility. • Since you'll get hit for hundreds no matter what, focus on increasing your damage output with accesories and reforges. This will make up for Plantera's increased defense. • The Megashark with Chlorophyte Bullets lets you focus on dodging and has a good damage output. The Daedalus Stormbow and Chlorophyte Shotbow can be used without much problem too. • Don't forget to bring all the important and class related buff potions. • --------------------------- • CUSTOM MUSIC • --------------------------- • Corruption: • Terranigma - Wandering Souls • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLgiZ... • Plantera: • Metal Slug 3 - Final Attack • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmiTZ... • Day: • Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Sunny Villa • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jgrl...


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