Wing It John Young scorerelief2024
Here is John's entry for Cue Tube's Score Relief 2024 composition competition, which made it to the second shortlisting stage (the top 43 out of 400+ entries). • The contest involved re-scoring WING IT! , a fast-paced humorous animation from Blender Foundation. • Score Relief 2024 raised money to support the work of In Place of War. 100% of the profits from their campaign were donated to In Place of War, which is registered with the UK Charity Commission (No. 1182594). • In Place of War enable grassroots change-makers in music, theatre and across the arts to transform a culture of violence and suffering into hope, opportunity and freedom. Their focus is on supporting individuals or communities that have been affected by war, post-war, gang-war and political oppression. • #filmcomposer #inplaceofwar #animation #filmscore #filmmusic #cuetube #scorerelief2024 #wingit #blenderfoundation