Bread of Life Studio Version
Bread of Life - Song History • WORDS MUSIC • Dennis Jernigan Received August 20, 2009 • O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge Him! Psalm 34:8 NASB • This is a studio version of the original song I made shortly after I recorded this live video way back in 2009: • Bread of Life • I have been blessed with (as of this writing) almost 28 years of freedom (as of this update, almost 43 years). On November 7, 1981, the Lord eradicated my sin and seared my mind with a new identity. I had grown up hearing that the Lord was the Bread of Life and that He was Living Water. In 1981 I began to experience that Bread and Water in a deep and sustaining way. While my identity was changed in an instant, the walking out of the old grave clothes – the things that defined me in my old sinful life – was a different story. As I have walked toward Jesus and He has nurtured an intimate relationship with me, I have gone through many hard trials of having those old thoughts ripped out of my consciousness. When I was hungry to be healed, He fed me the sustaining Bread of His healing touch as He helped me renew my mind. When I went through the desert of loneliness when I had to give up old relationships and old habits, He gave me Living Water of His constant presence. Knowing Jesus Christ intimately has been what has sustained me to date…and the feast only grows sweeter with passing time. This song came as a personal reminder of this truth. He is the Bread of Life and He is Living Water to my soul. • Blessings, • Dennis Jernigan