Meet the historic «Ab Yberg» Organ
The ReRenaissance-concert on April 30th 2023 offers the unique opportunity to collaborate with another house of the Historical Museum Basel; Jörg-Andreas Bötticher will play the table organ Ab Yberg , which is housed in the Basel Instrument Museum. Built in Augsburg in 1566/78, the instrument comes from the family chapel of St. Sebastian Im Grund of the Ab Yberg family in Schwyz. Together with the organ or in alternation, a spinet will be heard, played by Maria Morozova-Meléndez. The soprano Jessica Jans completes the ensemble. • More Info about the organ history : • Die Geschichte der Tischorgel «Ab Yberg» • Video shot by Andrew Burn, video cut by Grace Newcombe • Scenery from Historic Museum Basel, Music Museum • Musicians in the video: Jessica Jans, soprano, Maria Morozova- Meléndez, spinettino, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Ab Yberg-organ • Thanks for tuning in to our channel! If you want to stay up to date with our latest videos, make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications. Also, if you found this video valuable, please help us reach more people by liking it and sharing it with your audience. And if you're feeling extra generous, you can support us by donating via the link in the description below. • If You like to get more videos by ReRenaissance: Do not forget to patron us • • Postfinance: CH41 0900 0000 1539 1212 1 (BIC: POFICHBEXXX) • (Spenden können in der Schweiz von den Steuern abgezogen werden.) • paypal: [email protected]