WeakAuras basics Custom LUA function

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=TpP1X9ZILhg

**Video is in HD 720p** • In this video I attempt to explain about how stuff behind UI eyecandy works with just scratching the surface of possibilites you can do with WeakAuras addon. Basically I'm just showing how to make a custom WeakAura and how the basics of code works so you can adjust it to fit your needs. • This video is meant for people who are always looking for ways to be few steps ahead of other players. The idea here can be used to help you pull out values from game engine that you are most interested in to help boost your performance in PVE or PVP - ie timing on spells, raid haste changes when you gain a proc or losing an aura when another raid member dies, etc. You can use spreadsheets found around on internet to find haste breakpoints with full raid haste, for example, if trinket procs, or player dies, you can make weakaura to warn you to go Single target of multitarget for better DPS performance... just use your imagination, really. • http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api • http://www.wowwiki.com/API_format • Join us for more! •   / rayxtortion  


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