How to scan your notes with SCRIBZEE®
You have just downloaded SCRIBZEE®, the application that allows you to scan your handwritten notes. • After creating your account, you don't understand how to scan your SCRIBZEE® compatible OXFORD products? The application tells you that the markers are not recognised? You don't know which scanning mode to use? • In this video, we will explain how to use the SCAN function of SCRIBZEE®. You will discover that you can easily scan all your SCRIBZEE® compatible products: notes, cards, spot notes, diaries or flashcards. • To do so, open SCRIBZEE®, click on SCAN and then, depending on the product you wish to scan, select the appropriate scanning mode at the bottom of the screen, in the blue bar. To scan any page (except Spot Notes, flashcard FLASH 2.0 and Revision cards), use the middle icon. To scan a FLASH 2.0 flashcard or revision card, select the icon on the right. Finally, if you are scanning a Spot Notes, select the square icon on the left. • Then, with your smartphone, point to the printed markers on your page and place them in the orange frames that appear on the screen. Once your page has been captured, you can scan a new page by clicking + or finish the scan by clicking OK. • Once you have scanned your notes, go to IN PROGRESS. There you will find your scan or a notification telling you where your note is. To find your notes more easily, we advise you to rename them and file them by folder. • To find out more, see our tutorial 'Renaming and organising your notes'? : • How to rename and file your notes wit... • To find out more about SCRIBZEE®, please visit our website : • • For any further information, do not hesitate to consult our Frequently Asked Questions : • To download the application on the App store : • To download the application on Google Play :