Skip Tracing Providers How They Lie


Learn how to get the most value out of your leads lists using Skip Tracing. It's all about the quality of the data provider. Check it out. • • Like Us On Facebook • • Follow Us On Instagram • • Follow Us On LinkedIn • • #RealEstateInvesting #REIMarketing #RealEstateMarketing • ___________________________________________________________________________________ • Skip Tracing Providers Lie About Having The 'Best Data' • Skip Force is the only skip tracing provider that can give you the tier one data you need to create the most value out of your lists! • -Why would you change your skip tracing provider? • -Why would you go from one of the big guys like Batch or IDI, to a newer company like Skip Force? • The reason is VALUE. Everybody's been lying to you. Skip tracing is an inexact science. There is no best data, there is great data, tier one data, which we provide, and then there's everything else. • Tier One Data • The difference between everybody else and us is that we source our data from the carriers, who get their information from the credit bureau. That's why our USPs are different from everybody else. • -We're able to give you a call window which means that we can tell you the time of day that phone number is most active. Nobody else can do that. • -We grade the activity level of the phone number. • -We can even take your list from another provider, grade those numbers, and see if there's another better number associated with that prospect. • But it's still an inexact science. • And this is where the lie comes in…. Everybody lies about this: saying “We have the best data.” • There is no best data. • 50% to 60% of the data will be accurate. That means 40% to 50% will be inaccurate. • What a lot of the big dogs do is use us because we source it and we're able to pass the savings on to our clients. As low as 7cents! So, they use us to save 50%, 60%, sometimes even 70% on their skip tracing. And then, the nonperforming numbers, they use another provider that has a different repository. • That’s how you create the most value out of your lists! • Let the data speak for itself. Go to today! • Like Us On Facebook • • Follow Us On Instagram • • Follow Us On LinkedIn •


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