SPEEDHUB Workshop Sprocket Change

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All Rohloff SPEEDHUB sprockets are designed to be reversible and once reusable • with the exception of the 13-tooth size. If one tooth flank is worn, you can simply flip it over and continue riding using the unworn tooth flank. • Ensure the SPEEDHUB is in 14th gear before removing it from the bicycle. • To complete this procedure, you will need: • a new sprocket (unless reversing the old one) • a Rohloff sprocket remover tool (article #8501) • a 24mm wrench • a chain-whip and some grease. • Start by ensuring the sprocket and driver seats are free from dirt. Connect the sprocket remover tool to the driver and secure it in position with either • the quick release skewer (CC version shown on the left) • or • an axlenut (TS version shown on the right). • Securing the tool with the quick release skewer or axlenut is vital to ensure the driver is not damaged during the process. • Hold the sprocket remover tool steady using the 24mm wrench and unscrew the sprocket using the chain-whip in the oposing direction to drive. This is best achieved using a sudden, shock action. • The loosened sprocket can now be removed over the sprocket remover tool and can now either be reversed or replaced. Whichever the choice, ensure the new seal surface is clean and burr-free so as to avoid potential oil loss after mounting. • Before mounting, lightly grease the sprocket thread. • Screw the sprocket over the sprocket remover tool in the direction of drive and complete the procedure by securing it in position with the chain-whip. We recommend mounting a new chain following this procedure to ensure the compatibility of both drive components. http://goo.gl/IvPkwz


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