Cyclamen Plant Care Tips
Keep your cyclamen flowers looking their best by following these easy tips: • 🌤️ Light: Cyclamen prefer a bright location. • 🌡️ Temperature: Cyclamen thrive in cool (10°C to 18°C), protected environments out of the rain. • 💧 Watering: Cyclamen are susceptible to fungal diseases when the foliage gets wet, so be sure to water them around the base of the plant, avoiding the foliage. Cyclamen also prefer evenly moist soil, so only water the plant when the top centimeter of soil is dry. • 🤎 Pot and Soil: Plant cyclamen in a well-draining potting mix and ensure you plant them in a pot with drainage holes. • 🌷 Deadheading: Remove fading or spent flowers by twisting them off at the base of the stem. This will encourage the plant to produce more blooms. • 📍 Save this post for quick future reference! • #cyclamen #winterfloweringplant #winterfloweringplants #winterflower #amsterdamgardencentre • 🗣️ JOIN OUR PLANT CHAT ON SOCIAL! • / amsterdamgardencentre • / amsterdamgardencentre • / amsterdamgardencentre • 📧 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-NEWSLETTER •