CRAZIEST Animals That Were Recently Discovered


Check out the CRAZIEST Animals That Were Recently Discovered! From strange creatures that were long thought to be extinct to some of the most mysterious new animal species found by scientists, this top 10 list will amaze you! • Subscribe For New Videos! • Watch our Most INSANE Water Slides In The World! video here:    • Most INSANE Water Slides In The World!   • Watch our Most Insane Amusement Park Rides Only For The Bravest! video here:    • Most Insane Amusement Park Rides Only...   • Watch our 10 BIGGEST Underwater Creatures In The world! video here:    • 10 BIGGEST Underwater Creatures In Th...   • 10. Genie's Dogfish • There are many unique types of sharks out there in the world right now that we know about, for example the Goblin Shark and the Hammerhead Shark. But in 2018, a very unique shark was revealed to the world in the form of Genie's Dogfish . • 9. Nymphister kronaueri • First discovered in 2014, and then later fully described in 2017, the Nymphister kronaueri is a beetle, a very small beetle in fact. But what sets this particular beetle apart from various others of its species is that when it needs to get to a particular place, it doesn't walk, or fly, it quite literally hitches a ride on some nearby ants. • 8. Lasiognathus Dinema • For those who know of the Mariana Trench and other deep water places, you'll be familiar with the Angler Fish. A species of fish with a protrusion that emits a light to lure in other fish so that it can be eaten. It's known as one of the scarier fishes in the ocean today. • 7. Tapanuli orangutan • You might think it odd that even though monkeys and apes are our closest relatives in terms of genetics, and that they aren't hard to find per se, that we're still finding new species of them. Yet, we honestly are, with one of the most recent discoveries coming in 2017 via the Tapanuli orangutan. • 6. Myloplus Zorroi • The Myloplus Zorroi is a freshwater fish that was found in the Amazon river in South America. A tributary of the river to be specific. And while it is a part of the known Myloplus family, Myloplus Zorroi was found in 2007, and was found to be a very unique version of the fish. • 5. Blackfish • There are actually several different Blackfish out there in the world right now, but the one we're describing today was found in Australia in 2015. What was odd about the discovery was many-fold, not the least of which was that this very small fish was found around some nearby volcanoes in the area. • 4. Pseudoliparis swirei • The Mariana Trench is one of the most mysterious parts of the ocean, and many creatures live there without fear of human interference. Yet, scientists are still entranced by the unknown depths, and try to capture many creatures from the area for study, such as in 2017 when they caught a species now known as the Pseudoliparis swirei. • 3. Keesingia Gigas • A couple of new species of Jellyfish were discovered in the world over the last few years, but the one known as Keesingia Gigas has been peaking the interests of scientists from all over. Keesingia is a kind of Irukandji jellyfish, which instantly makes it an anomaly because the Irukandji jellyfish are usually the size of a fingernail. • 2. Wakaleo schouteni • The Wakaleo schouteni is part of a well-known extinct species of Marsupial Lion called the Thylacoleonidae. They were once very popular in what we now know as Australia, but eventually went extinct. Recently though, University of New South Wales archaeologists recovered fossils in Australia's Riversleigh World Heritage Area, and with it made the discovery of the Wakaleo schouteni, which was a then unknown offspring of the species. • 1. Epimeria quasimodo • If you're curious, yes, this amphipod was named after the legendary character from Hunchback of Notre Dame. But just as important, this hunched over creature was found in Antarctica via its oceans recently with a slew of other interesting creatures. • Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 2011 Dogfish,NOAA's National Ocean Service, cc-by-2.0 • Nymphister kronaueri, Christoph von Beeren Alexey K. Tishechkin, CC-BY-SA-4.0 • N. kronaueri on army ant, Christoph von Beeren Alexey K. Tishechkin, CC-BY-SA-4.0 • Nymphister kronaueri, Christoph von Beeren Alexey K. Tishechkin, CC-BY-SA-4.0 • Lasiognathus amphirhamphus, Theodore W. Pietsch, CC-BY-3.0 • Lasiognathus saccostoma, Tambja, CC-BY-SA-3.0 • Linophryne Lucifer, Hannes Grobe, CC-BY-SA-3.0 • Pongo tapanuliensis, Tim Laman, CC-BY-4.0 • Pseudoliparis swirei, Gerringer M. E., Linley T. D., Jamieson A. J., Goetze E., Drazen J. C., CC-BY-3.0 • Irukandji-jellyfish-queensland-australia, GondwanaGirl, CC-BY-SA-3.0


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