Introduction to the TCPDump network sniffer
This video is an introduction to the tcpdump network packet sniffer/capture tool. The video is relatively long because of the demo used required building up to the HTTP capture. The video only covers the basics but is meant to be a good introduction to practical use of tcpdump. • The video covers discovering targets with nmap (only a quick primer) then focuses the remaining time on capturing packets between the Backtrack 5 machine ( our machine) and one of the hosts detected during the nmap scan. • Mutillidae is the web site used in the video. Mutillidae is an open source web site that is easy to set up and designed to be vulnerable on purpose in order to give pen-testers a practice environment which is also realistic. Mutillidae can be downloaded from sourceforge and Updates about Mutillidae and announcements about videos being released (such as this video) are tweeted to @webpwnized. Thank you for watching. Please support this channel. Up vote, subscribe or even donate by clicking Support at / webpwnized ! • The webpwnized YouTube channel is dedicated to information security, security testing and ethical hacking. There is an emphasis on web application security but many other topics are covers. Some of these include forensics, network security, security testing tools and security testing processes. The channel provides videos to encourage software developers and system administrators to perform security testing. Also, the channel educates the next generation of security testers and bug bounty hunters who want to respectfully, legally and ethically help system owners that allow security testing.