Magnesium for the Brain


This is why doctors recommend supplementing with magnesium l-threonate for life-long brain health. • Your brain needs magnesium to learn, concentrate, relax, and remember. • Only one compound is scientifically shown to raise magnesium levels in the brain. That’s magnesium l-threonate. • L-threonate is a byproduct of Vitamin C metabolism. When paired with magnesium, it raises magnesium levels in brain cells. • According to clinical studies, magnesium l-threonate supports healthy cognitive function in four domains that naturally deteriorate with age. • Executive function is your ability to take in information, organize it, evaluate it, and respond based on sensory information. • Working memory is how you hold and process information in brief intervals, and store temporary memories. • Attention is how you maintain concentration in a world of distractions. • Episodic memory is a form of long-term memory in which you recall your experiences from your perspective, complete with sensory and emotional details. • Researchers believe magnesium l-threonate supports cognitive performance by increasing density of synapses, the connections that let neurons communicate. Synapses lose their density with age, weakening the communication network in the brain and correlating with decreased memory. • Threonate accumulates in the cerebral spinal fluid, which delivers nutrients to the brain. Researchers believe threonate promotes the influx of magnesium to the neurons. • Lypo-Spheric® Magnesium L-Threonate is the first liposomal supplement containing this compound. Since l-threonate forms after your body breaks down Vitamin C, the same nutrient transporters that distribute Vitamin C throughout the body may also distribute l-threonate for absorption. • Nutrient transporters are in short supply, and taking the doses contained in supplements often overwhelms them, leaving most Vitamin C unabsorbed and excreted from your body as waste.  • Instead of relying on these scarce nutrient transporters, Lypo-Spheric Magnesium L-Threonate is encapsulated in liposomes. • These microscopic spheres transport the compound into the bloodstream and the cells for superior absorption. • Buy Lypo-Mag:


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