Cleaning a Spray Paint Nozzel
Another of life's little nuisances: The nozzles on cans of spray paint that become plugged up with dried paint, which renders them useless. To revive a clogged nozzle, try this trick: First, pull off the nozzle and soak it overnight in a can of mineral spirits (paint thinner). Use a sewing needle or wire from a twist tie to clear away softened paint from the tiny tube at the nozzle bottom; be careful not to enlarge or distort the tube. • Then, place the nozzle onto the end of a spray tube from a can of aerosol lubricant. Squirt a short blast of lubricant into the nozzle. Repeat until the nozzle is cleared. • To prevent the nozzle from becoming clogged in the future, clear it of paint after each use by turning the can upside down and pressing the nozzle until the mist that comes out of it is clear. • More Quick Tips: • • Quick Tips - Great, yet simple ideas ... • Saving money on Your New House: • • Saving Money on Your New House • Great DIY Projects for Your New House: • • DIY - Do It Yourself with Your New House • Adventures in Homebuilding: • • Adventures in Homebuilding