Ugress Autumn Colours
Ugress is an electronica project from Bergen, Norway. The man behind this project is Gisle Martens Meyer. • • Ugress has released several albums, EPs, singles and remixes, many of them for free download. Latest album Reminiscience was released summer of 2009. The music is frequently licensed to movies, TV shows and commercials. • • News, full dicography, free downloads and other information about Ugress can be found at the official site • • Ugress means weed in Norwegian (weed as in an unwanted plant and not as in the street name for cannabis). • • Ugresss music can be related to other artists as Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers and Propellerheads. Some similarity to royksopp has been suggested, but Ugress is known to have a more dirty style. Ugress is also known for using lots of sample snippets from various artists and TV shows. Often Ugress is mistaken for being the name and only project of Gisle Martens Meyer, but Ugress is actually one of several projects by Uncanny Records. Each project spawns its own music style but nevertheless you can recognize the vibe that goes through most of the available music. • • In May 2006, Gisle Martens Meyer, released an new album, Nanokaravan, from one of his side projects Shadow Of The Beat. • • Currently (summer 2009) Ugress is doing music and songs for successful Norwegian kids sci-fi show Kometkameratene, to be released early fall 2009.