Affordable Sewing Machine Overview with Leah Day Eversewn Sparrow 20
What can the Eversewn Sparrow 20 do? Check out all of the features, functions, and feet that come with this affordable sewing machine. Find this machine here: • I've chosen to switch to the Eversewn Sparrow 20 because it's an affordable, simple sewing machine. I truly believe you don't need to shell out tons of money in order to be able to sew or quilt beautifully and I aim to teach you how with new tutorials on the Sparrow 20! • Come check out this Eversewn machine and find the other tutorials I've made for it so far at: • Leah teaches quilting online through free YouTube videos uploaded weekly. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on any of the new videos on patchwork and machine quilting uploaded weekly: / lcvday • Find tools and supplies, plus video workshops to guide you through all the steps to creating beautiful quilts on Leah's website: • Follow Leah for more quilting fun! • Facebook: / leahdayquilting • Instagram: / leahdayquilting