The Wandering Scribe Author Interview Historical Fiction Author Marvin Haynes
Greetings, fellow authors, to a late-night author interview. Today, we are joined by a guest I am very excited to have, fellow historical fiction author Marvin Haynes. Marvin is a Colonel in the U.S. Army. He graduated from West Point in 1994 with a B.S. in History and received an M.A. in Asian Studies from the University of Hawaii in 2005. Later in his military career, he studied--and maintained proficiency with--both Korean and Japanese languages. In his personal life, he is a published author of historical fiction with three novels currently in publication and a fourth slated to hit the shelves in May 2024. He also writes articles about East Asian history for such magazines as Military History, Military History Quarterly, Medieval World, and most recently, Vietnam. In today's episode, we discuss his historical fiction series Q. Fulvius, which follows a Roman legion soldier during the aftermath of the Second Punic War in 215 BC. As a classical historian, I was excited, to say the least. This was a great episode, as I rarely get Historical Fiction authors here on the channel. Marvin is very much like me in some sense. We both like similar authors, Steven Pressfield and Simon Scarrow, as well as time periods of focus from Early Republic Rome to the warring states period in Japan. Marvin is a great guest, and I wish him all the best. • Links to socials: • / marvin-haynes-43b19063 •