Download NDWI image using Landsat 8 in Google Earth Engine Any Location
In this video tutorial, we will learn how to download Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) images for any location using Landsat 8 data and Google Earth Engine (GEE). we will use the GEE platform to access and process Landsat 8 images for a specific location of interest. We will demonstrate how to filter the images to the area of interest, and how to calculate the NDWI values using the appropriate bands. Finally, we will export the NDWI image in a suitable format for further analysis. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Code Link: • • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Join this channel to get access to perks: • / @terraspatial • More Information on NDWI: • The NDWI is used to monitor changes related to water content in water bodies. As water bodies strongly absorb light in visible to infrared electromagnetic spectrum, NDWI uses green and near infrared bands to highlight water bodies. It is sensitive to built-up land and can result in over-estimation of water bodies. • NDWI = (GREEN - NIR) / (GREEN + NIR) • --------------------------------------------------------------- • For Landsat 7 ETM+, the index calculates as: • NDWI = (B03 - B05) / (B03 + B05) • ---------------------------------------------------------------- • Values description: Index values greater than 0.5 usually correspond to water bodies. Vegetation usually corresponds to much smaller values and built-up areas to values between zero and 0.2. • #NDWI #Landsat8 #googleearthengine #remotesensing #WaterIndex #gis #satelliteimagery #earthobservation #DigitalGlobe #PlanetLabs #copernicus #sentinel2 #RS #dataprocessing #datavisualization #geospatialanalysis #opendata #bigdata #machinelearning #DeepLearning #artificialintelligence #ImageAnalysis #imageprocessing #environmentalmonitoring #waterresources