Dear Boy
Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: • LIFETIME NEBULA MEMBERSHIP: • Eight years ago, I published a video on my vlog channel DoeEyes asking a boy who likes my daughter to stop asking her out because she felt harassed. The video went viral for its messaging about consent and relationships. Then it was picked up by a media outlet that reframed the story and fueled cruelty. My daughter and I were threatened. The experience traumatized me and now I'm sharing it because there is a lot to learn from the experience. • Support Sexplanations by becoming a sexpla(i)naut: / sexplanations • Sexplanations Podcast on YouTube: / @sexplanationspodcast • Support the podcast: / sexplanationspodcast • Dr. Doe's contact info: • TWITTER : / elleteedee • FACEBOOK : / sexplanations • INSTAGRAM : / drlindseydoe