Black Ops 1 zombies Nacht der Untoten round 50 run


Finally got my 50 bomb on bo1 Nacht, a super tough high round zombie map. Expand description for strat summary + mini review. Previous fails + Tutorial + midgame play first part of video, full round 49 (after I got T-gun) run 44:27, thumbnail 50:00, smooth juking 20:34, Tgun dud 23:40, round 49 begin (including box hitting, for completeness) starts 24:40. . • Strategy : • I use a spawn control based strat. Rounds are started in the box room to minimize spawns in the start room where the horde is grouped up. The number of start room windows which will be active is pretty high in early rounds which makes these rounds hardest to survive : its often necessary to Tgun your way out of unrecoverable path block situations. At round 30-32 all start room windows will be inactive when box room exit is delayed for about 10s at horde starts, but horde roundup is still tricky due to late spawns coming down stairs. I developed a train route which works well against late spawn bunches. Although it worked for this run, it needs to be made more safe as I almost went down round 49 and it must be run with tight precision every time... the slightest directional miscue and you will go down because you are close to the dense zombie flow coming down stairs. I am sure there is a safer way to run a very similar train route which will work well against the late spawn bunches. A late spawn bunch took me down at round 48 on a previous run using a different roundup route. I always bring the rounded up horde back to box room and Tgun it, I do not run horde starts from the start room. This is slower, but safer at rounds less than 50 since horde starts from the start room need to be timed pretty accurately due to upstairs spawn onrush which you must juke/sidestep. Also, Tgun duds are safer in box room since you have a long hallway to recover from a dud. Over a span of 50 rounds one dud shot is very likely to occur. • MIni Review : • BO1 Nacht is easily the most difficult studio zombie map I have ever played. It is much harder than other challenging maps such as Five or Shang...the difficulty is way into the bat-crazy-insane level realm. Playing this map is analogous to walking a tightrope across the grand canyon with random wind gusts blowing.... it can be smooth for awhile but the game throws so many trolls at the player that it will quickly devolve into chaos at the blink of an eye. Round 30 is approachable relatively consistently but higher rounds get incredibly tedious due to the need to trade out T-gun, it is the only way to kill zombs at high rounds. A previous round 49 game where I went down I had 120k pts on round 48, got no T-gun out of the 120k at end of 48, and then spent the next 45 minutes at start of round 49 running tommy loop to get T-gun. This is not my idea of a fun time on a zombie map. The absolute necessity to run T-gun trade to run high rounds essentially destroys the viability of this map as an enjoyable high round zombie experience and places the map squarely into the bad/fail category : it does not give a fun experience but is more of a patience-trying ordeal even for a 50 bomb which can require several hours of box hitting if your powerup drop + box luck is bad. The high difficulty is its only redeeming feature... like a black diamond ski hill it will present you with great challenge and help hone your zomb skills if that is what you are looking for. I only recommend this map to those looking specifically for that type of challenge. BO1 Nacht map grade is F (hard fail) for combination of high difficulty (tight map geometry, no jug, path intertia zombs) plus no viable high round strategy which does not involve mind-numbingly tedious box hitting. BO1 Nacht difficulty/challenge grade is A+, it is the hardest I have played yet. The WaW version is night and day better since you are not forced into box hitting for high rounds and the zombies do not hit you if you are moving which eases horde trainup in the tight map geometry (Waw version I give a map grade of C and a difficulty grade of B).


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