Proverbs 5 Hip Hop Audio Bible


Pastor Goe of The Hip Hop Church is rapping the Holy Bible! In this video The Hip Hop Church is presenting it's first video and rapping Proverbs chapter 5 in the King James Version. • Peep how it's basically verbatim! It's hard to believe it but Pastor Goe is doing this for the entire Holy Bible. • Sign up with The Hip Hop Church and receive free rhymes every day called The Daily Word. Basically the name of the organization is Word Of Wisdom and you can get the Holy Bible rapped to you daily for free. It'll be a verse or 2 in rhyme format which will only be a few seconds long but before long you'll start to learn and memorize the Holy Bible in Hip Hop format, hence The Hip Hop Church presents The Holy Hip Hop Bible! • #hiphopchurch #hiphopculture #hiphopgospel #yahshua #yisrael #israel #christiansongs #christianmusic #gospelrap #gospelhiphop #hashem #biblerap #audiobible #biblehiphop #biblenarration #hiphoppastor #yashua #newgeneration #newgenerationgospel #newgenerationbible #israelite #israelites #israelitemusic #israelitehiphop #israeliterap #newbible #holyhiphop #holyhiphopbible #hip-hop-church #shalam #shalom #mhnc #tmh #tmhhiphop #mhc #isupk #iuic #onewest #1west #israelitechurch #messiah #proverbs #proverbskjv • #kjv #proverbsrap #proverbshiphop #proverb #proverbslyric #proverbslyrics #proverbsverse #pastorgoe


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