A Guide To Solving Todays Times Crossword
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UBrO-YbaE1g
We live-solve The Times cryptic crossword on May 3 2019. This puzzle certainly explores some unusual parts of the dictionary. • â–¶SUPPORT US + ACCESS EXCLUSIVE CRACKING THE CRYPTIC PUZZLES/VIDEOSâ—€ • Patreon: / crackingthecryptic • â–¶SEND US PUZZLES TO SOLVE/CONTACT USâ—€ • [email protected] • â–¶FOLLOW USâ—€ • Twitter: #crypticcracking • â–¶SOFTWAREâ—€ • We mainly use Duncan's Sudoku Solver, which is available at http://www.littlegogs.com/index.shtml • â–¶ABOUT USâ—€ • Hi! We're Simon Anthony and Mark Goodliffe, two of the UK's most enthusiastic puzzle solvers. We have both represented the UK at the World Sudoku Championships and the World Puzzle Championships. We're also cryptic crossword aficionados. Mark is the eleven-time winner of The Times championship and Simon is the former record holder for most consecutive correct solutions to The Listener crossword. We hope we can help your puzzle solving while also introducing you to some of the world's best puzzles. • Thank you for watching! • Simon and Mark