Milia and whiteheads total face removalPart 1


Lasers and Lifts • • • Realself reviews: • • • Google + for up to date info. Posted daily. • • Miila whiteheads: total face removal - part 1 • Milia is a medical term for multiple hard, white lumps and bumps that usually occur under the eyes and cheeks. The pleural is called Millim. Milium look like whiteheads – blackheads but are stubborn, lasting for weeks, to months. Removing mila can be difficult. There is a right way and a wrong way to remove them, and the wrong way can damage your skin. In this video Dr Davin Lim shows how to easily, safely, an effectively remove milia using a laser. For really difficult to remove milia, I use a technique with electrocautery with a low setting and an extractor. This techniques is not essential for the majority of milia extractions, but can be useful if milia occur with blackheads and white heads. • What causes milia? • Milia occur when dead skin cells get trapped under the skin, forming small, hard-lumpy white cysts. These are very common in infants. Adults are also prone to milia – milium. The most common type is when skin cells that build up because they just didn't exfoliate properly. Secondary milia happens when a skin condition that leads to blistering actually damages the pore lining. Sun damage can also lead to milia because it makes skin rough and leathery, so it's more difficult for old cells to rise to the skin's surface and be exfoliated. Millia can also be genetic and occur in families. • How do I treat milia? • There is no treatment necessary for milia in children. The cysts will usually clear up within a few weeks. • Dr Davin Lim’s treatments include: • De-roofing, or using a sterile needle to pick out the contents of the milia- as shown in this video • Creams, such as Vitamin A compounds and AHA – alpha hydroxy acids • Chemical peels- including salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid • Electrocautery with a needle and extractions – AKA Dr Sandra Lee- Dr Pimple popper method. • How to Prevent Milia? • It is important that you do not squeeze, scrape, poke, or in any other way physically try to remove the milia from your face as you would a pimple, blackhead or zit. Milia are hard and under the skin's surface, these methods are unlikely to help. Instead, you wind up irritating and damaging the skin surrounding the cyst. Some people have even scarred themselves trying to dig out milia. Preventing new milia or milium after they have been treated is important. Here are a few of Dr Lim’s tips- • Use a salicylic acid scrub- Obaji makes a good one. • Use AHAs on a regular basis- Neostrata 10 or 15 several nights a week can prevent Milia • Extract small ones as they arise using my technique with a 25 G needle. • Use Vitamin A creams such as Retreive, Differin, Stievel A or Tazorac. • Sunscreen should be worn, use a light moisturizer sunscreen such as LRP 50+ • Yes, milia is a real pain to put up with, but there are things you can do to treat it. Remember: Patience, daily exfoliation, sun protection, and resisting the temptation to pop them can go a long way to having clearer, bump-free skin sooner! • Thanks for watching, and remember to subscribe for new videos every Saturday morning Brisbane time. • Dr Davin Lim • Laser and aesthetic dermatologist • BRISBANE, Australia. • A Dr Pimple Popper Milia Medley •    • A Dr Pimple Popper Milia Medley   • • Multiple milia under the eyes •    • Multiple milia under the eyes  


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