47英尺帆船買賣護航之旅(第二章) 蘭卡威至香港航行1800海里 帆船跑長途故事
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UG-sXpO5le4
Part 1 of the Langkawi Story: • 45英尺帆船買賣護航之旅(第一章) | 蘭卡威至香港航行1800海里 | ... • The experienced Captain Terence Lam embarks once again on a long-range sailing voyage during typhoon seasons, escorting a Beneteau 44.7-foot racing yacht from Langkawi to Hong Kong! On the journey, he passed through many seaports in Southeast Asia, including Batam, Kemaman, Paracel Islands, and Sansha City. The crew went out to sea for 17 days, enjoying the beautiful seascape every day, and even caught some fresh fish to eat! 🎣 • Although this trip encountered unexpected problems, from access to drinking water and fuel, to other supply issues and poor weather, the crew was unafraid and overcame the difficulties with ease😎 If you wish to learn about long range sailing, be sure not to miss Captain Lam’s valuable problem solving insights in this video! 🧩 • 0:00 Route to Hong Kong • 2:20 Langkawi Tour • 3:07 Supplies in Langkawi • 3:49 Batam: Water Troubles • 6:09 Tioman: Fuel Problems • 8:21 Paracel Islands: Dangerous Hurricanes • 12:48 Getting Home • If you are interested in learning sailing, hearing sailing stories, and guides on long-distance sailing, please subscribe to our channel as we will upload tips on marine activities regularly! 🐬 • We will also share insights on taking PVOC exams, sailboat prices, and sailboat brands ⛵ • Terence Lam has been sailing for more than 40 years, and is the first Chinese sailor to sail around the world by himself. During his 1,300-day and 30,000-nautical-mile journey, Captain Lam has sailed in countries of all sizes, including the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Pacific, Palau, and more 🧭 • #Batam #Tioman #Paracel #Convoy #Langkawi #Phuket #Covid #BoatSale #Spinnaker #SailRacing #Sail #Sailing #PVOC #Windsail #Cruise #Yacht #HongKong #PakShaWan #asiayachting