Basicarea frunzelor la piersici si nectarini cum arata si ce puteti face
What does it look like and what can you do to combat leaves curling in peaches and nectarines? Affected leaves should be removed and destroyed and then treated with a fungicide. • Leaves curling affects the whole tree throughout the year: from leafy in spring to fruit picking in autumn. It can affect the tree up to 90%. The disease is caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans and is favored by high humidity, rainy weather and temperatures in the range of 10 to 21 degrees Celsius. • Preventive treatment against peach curl leaf: • Tratament basicarea frunzelor la Pier... • Even if you did the treatments on time, for certain more sensitive varieties of peaches, in the spring conducive to the development of this pathogen, there may still be signs of attack. In this case, the affected leaves must be removed and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease. • Latest videos: / • #leafcurl #peach #taphrinadeformans