Thundercats The Lost Intro


#Roaroncemore #thundercats • • Hey everyone!, • • It's been a while, and a wild ride these past few months. • I decided to Re-Draw the Thundercats intro from 1985 due to my personal love for the series as a child and for the love of one of my favorite characters (Tygra). Please note that I did this blind, without any idea what I was getting myself into, oh boy...I should have done some research LOL. • I'll share some facts about this project with you. • • -It took about 2 months to complete the drawings for this animation. At the said moment I was drawing for about 12-14 hours a day. Due to emotional stress, I had to stop the creation of it a few weeks after the first 15 seconds were created. The first 15 seconds were a breeze compared to the rest of the frames. • -Took a Snapshot of every frame of the video then analyzed which was the best way to approach this project. • -The Ratio looks weird because it was stretched. the video I downloaded was stretched and I didn't notice until late into the animation (oops) since everything is by frame I can go back and fix it if I want to but at this time I'll probably let it be • -There are a bunch of secrets, enough to make a separate video all about them. • -Paid a little tribute to the 2011 anime • -Used clip art studio for all the drawings, separated everything by sections (9 in total I think) they are about 2GBs in size • -All the effects were drawn too, no video effects added to keep the magic of the original except for When they are looking up at the beginning, I played with the overlay and opacity settings for that • -In one good day about 130 frames would be drawn (some of them really easy, like white backgrounds or random lines), in a bad day (and had a few of those, to be honest ) 19 frames. • -There are a bunch of mistakes, some fixed, some added and some kept to show the fact that I redrew everything xD. • -I cried a little. • -I need a new arm • -1500+ Frames recreated with some surprises included =) • I'm tired...and I hope you enjoy this work as much as I do. • -There's a lot of ways to actually do this in a faster way, I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could do it one by one like they probably did back then. • • • No Copyright Infringement intended nor this is for commercial gain. Done because my Grandma wanted me to be an artist and I love using colors. • THUNDERCATS ROAR ONCE MORE!


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