Fresh Gorgonzola Pasta
Gorgonzola is popular in risotto and on polenta but nothing is as popular as making this cream sauce and serving over pasta. More recipes at • Felicia Mohan Ciaramitaro grew up cooking with her mother and grandmother. She developed a series of how-to videos that demonstrate culinary techniques of genuine Italian-American home cooking. She is currently writing a cookbook based on her community's treasured traditional Sicilian recipes. • Cook123 provides high quality video content to meet all your food needs. We offer hundreds of videos, ranging from cooking tips to delicious drinks to entire recipes. Follow the links below to visit our main site and connect with us on your favorite social network. • • TRANSCRIPT: • Pasta with Gorgonzola cheese sauce is another quick meal that I prepare for my family throughout the year, but especially I enjoy making it for them during the fall. There's something about the Gorgonzola topped with toasted walnuts with a little dusting of rosemary chopped up. It's just delicious. It's a great meal for this time of year, and it's fast. That's the best part about it is it's fast. • So let me show you what to do. 1 tablespoon of salted butter into a frying pan. We're going to turn the heat onto high, and we're going to melt our butter. • In the meantime, what we're going to do is I have one wedge of Gorgonzola cheese. Now, Gorgonzola cheese is different from blue cheese. Similar in taste. Blue cheese hence has its name, blue, because the mold would be blue. But in Gorgonzola cheese, it is green. • So we're going to chop up one chunk. And I'll lower our heat. Our butter is melted. I'm going to turn our heat down. And we're going to add piece of the Gorgonzola and 3/4 of a cup of heavy cream. • Now, we're going to stir this over a medium-high heat, paying very close attention, not leaving it for a moment. It's time. We want to stay here. And in the meantime, we have 1 pound of penne pasta boiling. And we want to cook that al dente in salted water. • The best thing to do when boiling pasta is to bring your water to a boil, add about a tablespoon of kosher salt. And then when you add the salt, you're going to notice that the boil goes away. Then you're going to bring it to another boil. Then add your pasta. That's the correct way of cooking pasta.