American Describes Dutch TV Shows
One of the things that is telling about culture and cultural differences are TV shows. In this video, I talk about Dutch TV shows that I watch regularly or those that I have seen in the past. As an American, I share the differences that I've noticed between Dutch TV and American TV. I also talk about what stood out to me in some of these Dutch TV series. I was surprised to find out that some of TV series are quite popular with the Dutch! • -- • I like to share my experiences of an American expat in the Netherlands. I describe both the unique and everyday aspects of Dutch culture, and life in Holland while enjoying every bit of it! • • Blog website: • Instagram: DutchAmericano • Get in touch: [email protected] • • Suggested videos: • 9 Things You DON'T DO in the Netherlands: • 9 Things You DON'T Do in the Netherla... • • How DIRECT are the Dutch?: • How DIRECT are the Dutch? [American E... • • A Day in Lockdown in the Netherlands: • A Day in Lockdown in the Netherlands • • 7 Dutch Foods to EXPERIENCE when Travelling to The Netherlands: • 7 Dutch Foods to EXPERIENCE when Trav... • • 8 DUTCH WORDS that can NOT be translated into English: • 8 DUTCH WORDS that can NOT be transla...