12 Goats In A tree real or fake
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UJSGu3BdhOM
Hey guys, Bill here…. Over the last few months I’ve been getting a few goat videos from you guys. The most popular is the goat with two heads and the goat with one horn. But the one that really caught my eye is this one. • _________________________________ • LINK TO PHOTO WORKSHOP ADVENTURES / @photoworkshopadventures4278 • ________________________________ • It’s a video showing a bunch of goats hanging out in a tree. The video was send in by emilio ramlochan from Trinidad with a very simple question. • Is this video for real? Or is this another computer generated fake? • Well Emilio, why don’t we just pull off the bark on this one and see what we can find out. • • The video that Emilio watched was published by Scarlett Owen on Youtube and called Goats Climbing on Argon Trees in Morocco, Goats really climb trees? • On the surface, it looked realistic enough, but the channel itself seemed a bit fishy. There were very few videos posted there and this often a sign of people creating fakes and using made up Youtube channels to cover up their real identity. One of the more notorius for doing this is DimanOperator, whose videos we’ve covered right here on billschannel. • On a hunch, I looked for any connection I could find between this channel and known video effects specialists, and that is what let me to this…. the official answer. • but before I open this envelope, I need to hear your answer first. That is how it works here. What I want you to do is yell out your answer loud and clear, either real or fake… and if you can’t do that because it’s late at night or something… just pause the video and write your answer in the comment section. Then come back here and watch the video… ok you got it? And Go. • Ok, now that we got that out of the way, we can get to the official answer right here, and it says… • The video showing a tree full of goats has been thoroughly examined and determined to be, an unaltered, bonified, grade a…. fffffff real video… with no signs of any fakery what so ever. • As it turns out the video was originally recorded by Michael Chinnici who runs a photo travel adventure on Youtube. I’ve put a link in the description box so you can watch the whole video and sign up for one of his tours. • Now, the reason why the goats are up in the trees is harvest the nuts grown on Argan trees in Morocco. Argan nuts provide Argan oil which is popular in personal care products such as shampoo as well as some culinary products like cooking oil and pancake syrup. • The trees where the argan grow are very thorny so farmers don’t try to get the nuts themselves. Instead they send the goats up to eat the nuts. But since the goats can’t digest the nuts, they poop them out, and the farmers collect them from the goat do do… • Mmm, that just makes me hungry… what about you? • Ok, well that is all the time for this video. I want to thanks Emilio for sending that video in… and remember, if you have a picture or some video and you aren’t sure whether it is real or not, send it to me at [email protected] and I will take a look. See you next time!