Circulation electrocardiogram ECG physiology and interpretation


This video discusses the electrocardiogram, also known as ECG or EKG • An electrical impulse causes the heart to contract, such electrical impulse spreads over the surrounding tissues, and a small amount reaches the surface of the body. The ECG is a recording of that electrical activity. • During an ECG recording an array of skin electrodes are placed in the chest and limbs, and as the heart undergoes depolarisation and repolarisation during each heartbeat, it generates a low voltage current, which is detected by the electrodes and recorded by an external device. • The ECG provides information about the heart rate, the heart rhythm and health. Let’s see the in more details the origin and propagation of the depolarisation and repolarisation, and the corresponding ECG segment throughout the cardiac cycle. • On the left side of the screen, we can see the spreading of the impulse in the heart, and on the right side we can see the corresponding ECG segment. The heart depolarisation (shown here in yellow colour), begins in the top portion of the right atrium, where the Sino-atrial Node is located. Then the depolarisation spreads in the whole right atrium and left atrium, and the P wave is formed. Subsequently, the depolarisation travels down the ventricles, and then spreads throughout the ventricles, and the QRS complex is formed. Then the ventricles repolarise (this is shown in blue colour), and the T wave is formed. • Thus, the P wave represents the depolarization of the atria, the QRS complex represents the depolarisation of the ventricles, and the T wave represents the repolarisation of the ventricles. • Now let’s talk a bit about the interpretation of the ECG. The RR interval provides information about the heart rate. The PR interval reflects the time taken by the electrical impulse to travel from the Sinus Node through the Atrioventricular node and entering the ventricles, and it’s a good estimate of Atrio-ventricular node function. The QRS complex provides information about the ventricular depolarisation. The ST segment is important, as it shows the level of blood supply to the heart. The alteration of the ST segment can be diagnostic of the heart condition ischemia or infraction. The QT interval represents ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation. A prolonged QT interval can be diagnostic of susceptibility of certain types of disturbance of the normal heartbeat, termed tachyarrhythmia. • • In conclusion, the ECG is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart, and provides information about the heart rate, heart rhythm and health. • Get your Health and Wellbeing Products here:


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