DIY laminar flow hood Cheap Easy Quick Great for spin coating and photolithograpy
A laminar flow hood is used to create a dust-free zone of air. They can be a little pricey. Here's a cheap, quick, and easy way to make one. • 0:00 Intro • 0:40 Design • 3:45 Testing for laminar flow • 6:28 Please subscribe for more DIY science videos. :) • Update: TLDR: Replace HEPA filter and Carbon pre-filter if getting too much dust contamination. • After a year of running this in my room as an air purifier, I had to use it again for some photolithography, spin coating photoresist in particular. Initially, I tried using it after cleaning the carbon pre-filter, but found that I was still getting too much dust contamination. After replacing the filters (both hepa and carbon pre-filter), I had essentially no dust contamination. • Parts List: • Aluminum Foil Tape: • Plastic Drop Cloth (plastic tarp), 2mil thick!: • Sterilite latch box (storage container): • Progressive 335 Air purifier: You can find this on Amazon, but it's pricey new. if you're really tight on money like I am, look around for a used one or find a different air purifier that's similar, but cheaper. • I have a home lab I use to make microfluidic devices to grow human tissues with blood vessels in the lab. One step involves spin coating a photoresist onto a silicon wafer for photolithography. If there's dust that gets on the photoresist, it ruins the photoresist layer and the whole photolithography process. This laminar flow hood lets me spin coat the photoresist without any problems. • This video uses the lid with two hand/arm holes in it for a more sterile environment: • DIY Laminar Flow Hood | Glowforge I opted not to do this for ease of access, but if sterility is critical, this seems like a good idea. You could even make the holes gloved, seal the lid gap with tape, cut a vent hole in the storage container, and tape a simple filter over it. • Patreon: / mikeferguson • Twitter: / mikeahferguson • LinkedIn: / mike-ferguson-5a744160 • Subscribe to stay tuned for more great DIY science videos. Will be discussing how to do high resolution photolithography and make microfluidic devices at home among other things. • Full Disclaimer: • Under no circumstances will Mike Ferguson be responsible or liable in any way for any content, including but not limited to, any errors or omissions in the content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of any content communicated in this video and the videos on this channel, whether by Mike Ferguson or a third party. In no event shall Mike Ferguson be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits arising out of or in connection with the availability, use or performance of any information communicated in this video and the videos on this channel. Due to factors beyond the control of Mike Ferguson, it cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Mike Ferguson assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video and the videos on this channel and the videos on this channel. Use this information at your own risk. Mike Ferguson recommends safe practices when performing any do it yourself projects and repairs and or with tools seen or implied in this video and the videos on this channel. Due to factors beyond the control of Mike Ferguson, no information contained in this video and the videos on this channel shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video and the videos on this channel is the sole responsibility of the user and not Mike Ferguson.