Thin Prep Pap and HPV Test Part 1
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • A Pap Smear test is one of the most important tools in your gynaecologist's arsenal for fighting cervical cancer because it can detect it at an early stage. Most women know what a Pap Smear test is, and many women have had them; however, not all women know that the Thin Prep Pap Test offered at Les Cours Medical Centre is the most trusted Pap test available. • Cervical cancer if not detected early enough can lead to serious complications for a woman's long term health. Pap smear tests were developed to identify premalignant cancer cells. A Thin Prep Pap Test is a more accurate detection method than standard Pap Smear. And we all know the earlier you can detect cervical cancer the less chance it has of causing you serious health issues in the future.