Port Eynon Part 2 Culver Hole The Gowers Hidden Secret
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UTIG1o-rvjo
In this video, we all set off in search of Culver Hole, a little known smugglers cave hidden in the cliffs near Port Eynon. We have been to the Gower many times but have never heard of this gem. • The only access is to climb down a steep path and then clamber down the edge of a cliff. • One problem! We took the wrong path on the way up and ended up on a very precarious path then got stuff at the top in the middle of prickly gorse. Thomas was absolutely terrified but he kept going and learned a great lesson about conquering fears. • Culver Hole dates back to the 13th Century and was used by smugglers led by ex pirate John Lucas to hide contraband. • The scenery in this video is spectacular and shows why the Gower is officially an area of outstanding natural beauty. • Mike was the only one to actually descend the cliff when we eventually found it and he hates heights. • We were so pleased to be able to get this video out at all after Mike accidently deleted the camera card and had to use special recovery software Recoverit . • #culverhole #gower #porteynon #climbing #dangerous #conqueringfear