How Often Can I Wash my Dog Zymox Puppy Bath
Shop on Amazon for the Shampoo and Cream rinse Bundle link here: • • Just the shampoo link: • • Just the cream rinse: • • OKAY. • Hey guys! Today we are going to address the common question of “How often can you bathe your dog?” • The answer is: As often as necessary! • Well lets get into detail about this: • Dogs skin produces natural oils to help their hair grow healthy every day. If you bathe an adult dog everyday, lets say, this will get rid of a lot of these oils and it disrupts their hairgrowth and coat consistency. Their skin will also get dry, it can be itchy, flakey and irritate your dog. This is the main reason most literature online will say to only bathe your dog once a month or once even every 3 momths. • If you have a puppy and they are constantly getting dirty, (which puppies love to do) you can bathe them almost every day or I recommend using baby wipes to help skip a day of bathing but keep your puppy clean. • Just wipe down their whole body on the outside of their fur. This way your not even contacting the skin where the dogs oils are hanging out doing what they need to do. • I live on a farm and my dogs get super dirty, so we are constantly giving our dogs bathes! I would say we give them a bath every few days or 1 – 2 weeks. We use Zymox products which is gentle and not drying to the dogs skin. I also use their cream rinse after the shampoo part to keep their skin conditioned and soft. • For this video ill quickly show you how I give Sophie my standard poodle puppy a bath. She gets urine staining on her fur and she needs frequent sanitary baths to keep her healthy. • I hope you liked this video and learned something. • ~ Dr. Lindsay Butzer