How Does a Pregnancy Test Work
Full Playlist: • How to Get Pregnant • - • - • Call your doctor for an appointment if you test positive for pregnancy with a home test. • Pregnancy Test Kit: • Bluecross Babi Pregnancy Test: • ClinicalGuard Pregnancy Test Strips: • Easy@Home 25 Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strips: • First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test: • Watch more How to Get Pregnant videos: • There are signs you're having a baby even before you miss a period. • Step 1: Look for physical signs • Pay attention to your body. Symptoms like fatigue, swollen or tender breasts, and nausea can show up as early as two weeks after conception. Headaches and lower back pain are also early signs. • Step 2: Know the emotional signs • Consider whether you've been more emotional lately. Some women find that pregnancy makes them moodier, weepier, or more irritable than usual thanks to the hormonal surge that occurs after conception. • Tip • Stress can cause hormones to mimic pregnancy signs like nausea; it can even cause you to miss a period. • Step 3: Take a test • Take a home pregnancy test; it can sometimes detect pregnancy even before you've missed your first period. Be aware, however, that taking it early may cause a false negative result. • Tip • For the most accurate results, take the test in the morning, when pregnancy hormone levels in urine are highest. • Step 4: Double check • If the home test is positive, see your doctor right away. If it's negative and your period still doesn't start, then repeat the test in a few days. False negatives are more common than false positives. • Step 5: Don't assume you've started your period • If you get your period, don't assume you're not pregnant. If it's unusually light, it may be what's known as implantation bleeding, which happens when the embryo attaches to the uterus. • Step 6: Get a blood test • To be absolutely sure, go to your doctor for a blood test. Because pregnancy hormones are easier to detect in blood than urine, blood tests are more accurate than home kits. • Did You Know? • Did you know? The most common oddball food combination craved during pregnancy is pickles and peanut butter, followed by Marmite and ice cream, and tuna and bananas, according to an online poll.