Waterlines That Dont Overlap
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UWsH-ypz4Zk
Waterlines are one of those cartographic elements that can separate a good map from a really good map. But they can be tricky, since they sometimes insist on being wantonly unruly and wildly overlapping each other, without regard for good geometry or good taste. But beautiful waterlines that obey physics and aesthetics can be yours by setting two simple parameters: multipart features and accurate offsets. Here's a 3 minute video that probably should have been more like 1 minute. • Check out some other social channels where I share how-to's and updates on random map adventures: • http://adventuresinmapping.com • https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/auth... • / john_m_nelson • / johnmnelson • / johnmnelson • Music: Rainy Sundays - The 126ers • Thanks for watching! Love, John Nelson