How to Plan a Memorial Service


Full Playlist:    • Death   Funerals   • - • - • Watch more Death Funerals videos: • A well-planned memorial service honors the deceased and comforts those who are grieving. • Step 1: Think about what's appropriate • Give careful thought to what kind of memorial service would be most appropriate for the deceased's personality and what they would have wanted. • Step 2: Make guest list • Make a guest list. Ask friends and family for suggestions. You don't want to leave anyone out. • Tip • The number of guests will determine the size of the location and the quantity of food. • Step 3: Choose location and time • Choose an appropriate venue for the memorial service using online or local directories. Determine the date and time for the event. • Tip • The date should be far enough in advance to allow plans to be made for the event, including guests' travel. • Step 4: Select speakers, readings, and music • Select people to perform readings and choose the music for the event. • Step 5: Choose the food and flowers • Choose the type of refreshments that will be available and the type and quantity of flowers and decorations for the memorial area. • Step 6: Plan memorial display • Plan a memorial of photos and other items of personal significance that will be displayed at the event for attendees to view. • Step 7: Create and print programs • Create and print programs that provide a timeline for events in the memorial service. Print enough for each attendee and for possible additional guests. • Step 8: Place obituary and notify guests • Place an obituary in the local newspaper and notify the guests of the upcoming event. • Did You Know? • Did you know? The Alfred Lord Tennyson poem, In Memoriam which contains the famous line, Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all. was written for his friend Arthur Henry Hallam.


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