Shooting with Mark Burnett is a treat. As soon as Mark says he wants to film something, three things are already assumed: it’ll be really really hard, he’ll pull it, and it’ll be perfect. • This young man is unbelievably confident on his bike and will casually fire out hyper-elaborate tech combos and the most dangerous and intimidating stunts without breaking a sweat. Mark has this extraordinary ability to set aside any fear and lingering doubts and fully commit to every go. I guess it’s easy to be confident when you’re as comfortable on your bike as Mark clearly is. • It's not hard to see how Mark rides at such a high level – his enthusiasm for riding is virtually unmatched. He's always the one pushing for the night mission after a long day of filming, and he'll happily solo sesh his flat rail for hours on end. His energy is seemingly limitless, and it spreads easily. Mark brings a lot of life to any situation. • Even with his abundant skill, Mark works for it. He’s constantly pushing his limits – it’s fair to say he goes down harder and more frequently than anyone else on the team (he has the ender crash section in the Grow Up bonus), but the struggle is no match for his determination. Mark shrugs off the most brutal wrecks and keeps going until he lands it or physically can’t continue. • Mark’s natural ability, boundless energy, unstoppable drive, and sheer love of riding make him the ultimate video part filming machine. These characteristics, matched with the nearly 100 days he spent on the road shooting for Grow Up, create a sort of perfect storm for an epic video part, and you really should check it out. • –Walter Pieringer • • • --- • • / sundaybikes • / sundaybikes • / sundaybikes • / sundaybikes