Chemical Flocculation Wastewater Treatment


Flocculation Wastewater Treatment • • Charge-neutralized solids can be further agglomerated by using flocculants. Flocculants can be thought of a sort of a “high-tech rope” tying particles together, thereby increasing particle size. Flocculants come in various charges, charge densities, molecular weights, and forms. ChemTreat’s portfolio includes: • Cationic Flocculants • Mostly based on copolymers of AETAC (N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl Acrylate Methyl Chloride Quaternary) or METAC (N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate Methyl Chloride Quaternary) and acrylamide. These products can perform a dual function by both coagulating with their positive ionic charge and flocculating with their high molecular weight. • Anionic Flocculants • Mostly based on copolymers of acrylamide and acrylic acid, anionic flocculants possess a negative ionic charge and work by binding with residual cationic charges on coagulants adsorbed to coagulated colloids. • • Emulsion and powder flocculants • At GPC Clear Solutions Limited, our highly efficient coagulants and flocculants are designed for solid-liquid separation of suspended solids in wastewater. • Chemical coagulation and flocculation is effective in the removal of suspended solids in wastewater. During the solid-liquid separation process, coagulants are added which destabilises the colloidal suspension. Flocculants are then introduced to collect the coagulated solids resulting in larger flocs of suspended solid content in the wastewater. The larger flocs separate resulting in clear water. The majority of these chemicals added to the process do not stay in the aqueous phase. They are attached to the solids that are further processed and removed from the treatment area. • Our high standard chemicals come in various grades and forms which are available for use depending on application. • Anionic emulsion grade polymers • A range of high molecular weight anionic water in oil emulsions. These products are suitable for inline dilution before being added to an application. These are available in 25KG kegs or 1050KG IBC containers. • Cationic emulsion grade polymers • A range of linear and structured cationic water in oil emulsions. These products are also suitable for inline dilution before being added to an application. These are available in 25KG kegs or 1050KG IBC containers. • Anionic powder grade polymers • Anionic powder grade polymers are available in low, medium and high molecular weights. These are available in 25KG or 750KG bags. • Cationic powder grade polymers • Cationic powder grade polymers are available in a range of molecular weights and structures. These are also available in 25KG or 750KG bags • For more information on our products or to improve plant performance, fill in our enquiry form. at • • #chemicalflocculation • #chemicalflocculationwastewatertreatment • #industrialwastewatertreatmentchemicalsupplier


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