ROBLOX Dark orb series Tinfoilbot Gameplay nr0314


The Dark orb series (Warning in-game music Dark orb 10): • the deadly dark orb: 0:00 • the dark orb 2: 1:10 • the apprentices revenge: 2:37 • the apprentice dies revenge of the spider : 4:51 • the end of the dark orb evil mickos attack : 8:28 • tinfoilbots crazy adventure!!: 12:06 • the apprentices revenge 2 - evil zombies army - : 16:16 • dark orb 8 chinatown!!!: 20:28 • vodgreens world 2 - (the dark orb 9): 24:56 • dark orb 10 - spaced out: 33:28 • vodgreens world 0: 47:49 • I added fast motion for the video to be more walkthrough game. On youtube, you're able to slow down or speed up the video. In this case, if you want to watch the video slowly, press the gear button below the video and you'll know what to do. Do you want to play the game? Search the name on the title, but the title might be inaccurate sometimes. I want to make the video short as possible to make it partless (a.k.a. going through all videos to find this one). This description are different from others because of blah blah blah. I'm looking forward to my new friends on ROBLOX. Also the quality of the video...I can't do anything about it by myself. Tell me what part is missing and i might record it on the deleted scenes. I'm uploading those videos a.s.a.p. New update: I don't care about the crazy music :P Long videos make it long to upload, so that's why it has been sped up.


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