NASA Recently Discovered 10 Planets Similar to Earth


Is the earth unique? Are there other intelligent beings in the vastness of the universe? At the moment, we have no solid evidence pointing to higher life on other planets. Numerous factors contribute to making life as we know it possible in the first place. Our blue planet meets all of these requirements. First of all, the Earth is in the right place, i.e. in the habitable zone. The right distance to the sun provides temperatures that make life on our planet possible. In addition, there are the positions of other planets and moons. Jupiter ensures the interception of countless meteorites through its size and gravitational attraction. The moon protects the earth from comet impacts, too. In addition, there is the composition of our atmosphere, which makes it possible for us to breathe. So how likely is it to find more Earth-like planets? In the infinite universe there are estimated 100 billion galaxies and stars. Of these, we have discovered just about 2,000. So is it only a matter of time before we find higher life on an Earth-like celestial body? The Kepler probe, K2 for short, has exactly this as its mission. To date, 219 candidates have been discovered by the probe. 10 of them are promising. They have similar surface structures, so they are rocky and solid, and they also have a Sun-like star at the right distance. In other words, these planets are in a habitable zone. Water cannot be detected at these distances, but equally cannot be ruled out by the conditions. Other factors, too, like the composition of the atmosphere, show similarities with the earth. The following 10 planets have been recently discovered and might give rise to findings of many more planets similar to Earth. • Subscribe for more! ► • Credit: NASA, ESA, ESO, SpaceX, Wikipedia, Shutterstock, ... • #TheSimplySpaceEN


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